Course Selection Instructions

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How to select my courses:

  1. Log into School Point ( – login.   You will use your Microsoft Account username and password.   
  2. Navigate to Courses by learning area or the Courses that fit me tabs on the left-hand side. A list of courses available to you (based on your Year Level will appear).
  3. Click on a course that you are interested in taking next year. You will be taken to a page that includes explains the course.
  4. Click on the + Select as one of my Courses button to add this course to your Selected list. Click the same button to remove it. 
  5. Once courses have been selected, Select course priority order to rank your courses in your order of preference and then the same with your backup courses.
  6. Select 12 courses and 4 back up courses 
  7. Click on the View my Courses to view a summary of your courses.

How to edit a course that you have selected:

  1. Log into SchoolPoint
  2. Navigate to "Courses" in the left-hand navigation
  3. Navigate to "My Courses" in the submenu
  4. Find the Course that you would like to Edit.
  5. Click on the "Information" button.
  6. You will be taken to a page that includes useful information such as course description, pathway and recommended prior learning.
  7. Click on the "Add to your Favourites Courses" button to add this course to your favourite list. Click the same button to view a list of your favourite courses. Click on the name of the course to remove it.
  8. Click on the "+ Select as one of my Courses" button to add this course to your selected list. Click the same button to remove it.
  9. Click on the "View my Courses" To view a summary of your courses.

How to edit my favourites list:

  1. Log into SchoolPoint
  2. Navigate to "Courses" in the left-hand navigation
  3. Navigate to "Course Favourites" in the submenu
  4. Find the Course that you would like to Edit.
  5. You will be navigated to a page that includes useful information such as course description, pathway and recommended prior learning.
  6. Click on the "Add to your Favourites Courses" button to add this course to your favourite list. Click the same button to view a list of your favourite courses. Click on the name of the course to remove it.
  7. Click on the "+ Select as one of my Courses" button to add this course to your selected list. Click the same button to remove it.
  8. Click on the "View my Courses" To view a summary of your courses.