Records Adviser Kaiwhakahaere Kōnae

Records advisers create and monitor electronic and paper filing systems so that records can be filed, found, tracked and disposed of.

Records advisers may do some or all of the following:

  • develop and maintain classification structures, systems and policies for electronic or paper-based records systems
  • file, track, retrieve, review and dispose of records
  • educate and support staff in good record-keeping
  • audit record-keeping systems
  • ensure their organisation's record keeping complies with standards and laws
  • work with old and new technology media
  • lead projects to turn paper records into electronic ones (digitisation).

Useful Experience

Useful experience for records advisers includes:

  • work in archives, document storage or information management
  • experience with information technology (IT)
  • work as a librarian.

Personal Qualities

Records advisers need to have:

  • planning and organisational skills
  • the ability to work alone and with a wide range of people
  • excellent communication skills, both written and oral
  • good problem-solving skills
  • the ability to keep information private
  • patience and persistence.


Records advisers need to have knowledge of:

  • the laws relating to record keeping
  • IT software required for digital record keeping
  • processes needed for paper-based record systems
  • analysis and reporting skills.


Records advisers:

  • usually work regular office hours
  • work in offices but may have to travel to records storage sites.

Records Advisers can earn around $48K-$58K per year.

Pay for records advisers varies depending on skills and experience.

  • Records advisers usually earn between $48,000 and $58,000.
  • Senior records advisers can earn between $76,000 and $103,000. 
  • Records managers can earn $100,000 or more.

Sources: Hays, 'FY 23/24 Salary Guide', 2023; RIMPA, 2020; research, 2020.

Records advisers may move into knowledge and information management roles.

Years Of Training

There are no specific requirements to become a records adviser. However, many employers prefer to hire records advisers who have or are working towards a relevant qualification.

Records and Information Management Professionals Australasia (RIMPA) also offer short professional development courses to learn more about records management.

Records Adviser