Practical Music: Learning Instrumental Skills YR9

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs M. Fauvel.

Learn what it takes to be a musician! Students will develop practical instrumental skills on one of the following instruments: 

  • voice
  • guitar
  • keyboard
  • drums 
  • bass guitar

Students willl develop skills in music literacy and instrumental techniques required to play with accuracy and appropriate musical style. Students will listen and respond to New Zelaand Music and have the opportunity to create and play their own musical compositions. Students will also explore how best to practice in a group and perform in a band. 

Music develops confidence, creativvity and communicaton as students learn how to present themselves confidently in performance and commicate and problem solve in small groups.


  • Develop instrumental skills and techniques
  • explore and experience musical ensemble skills 
  • Develop and refine performance skills 
  • Recognize and understand features of Music styles from New Zelaand and around the world 
  • Use music elements and conventions to create original music

Recommended Prior Learning

All levels of music and instrumental experience are welcome. If you are taking music lessons through a private tutor, or have had music instrumental lessons through school, this course is a great opportunity to develop your skills further and learn to play music with others.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Device is strongly recommended for video tutorials. Manuscript book, pencil and pen.


Career Pathways

Assessment Information

Students will be assessment on the progress of their instrumental skills mid way through the semester. There will be a final ensemble (band) based assessment at the end of the semester.
