Making Stuff! a year 9 Product Design Course

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr L. Moore.

Making stuff is a half-year course designed for Year 9 students to explore the fundamentals of woodworking. Students will learn essential skills such as tool handling, safety procedures, and basic joinery techniques. Through hands-on projects, including the creation of a simple wooden box, students will gain practical experience in measuring, cutting, and finishing wood. The course also covers woodworking machines, sustainability and design principles, culminating in a final project that showcases their craftsmanship. This course fosters creativity, precision, and an appreciation for the art of woodworking.


Part 1: Introduction to Woodworking

  • Week 1-2: Introduction to Woodworking Tools and Safety
    • Understanding different types of woodworking tools
    • Safety procedures and proper tool handling
  • Week 3-4: Basic Woodworking Techniques
    • Measuring, marking, and cutting wood
    • Introduction to joinery techniques
  • Week 5-6: Project 1: Simple Wooden Box
    • Designing and planning the project
    • Constructing and finishing the box
  • Week 7-8: Wood Types and Properties
    • Identifying different types of wood
    • Understanding wood properties and their applications
  • Week 9-10: Finishing Techniques

Part 2: Intermediate Woodworking

  • Week 1-2: Advanced Joinery Techniques
    • Mortise and tenon joints
    • Dovetail joints
  • Week 3-4: Project 2: Small Furniture Piece (e.g., stool or shelf)
    • Designing and planning the project
    • Constructing and finishing the piece
  • Week 5-6: Woodworking Machines
    • Introduction to woodworking machines (e.g., lathe, bandsaw)
    • Safety and operation procedures
  • Week 7-8: Woodworking Design Principles
    • Basics of design and aesthetics in woodworking
    • Sketching and planning projects
  • Week 9-10: Final Project and Exhibition Preparation
    • Students design and plan their own projects
    • Constructing and finishing the project


  • Projects: 70%
  • Class Participation: 30%

This programme focuses on providing a solid foundation in woodworking skills and techniques, while still allowing for creativity and practical application through projects.


Career Pathways
