Music Mixing and Digital Producing 101 YR9

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs M. Fauvel.

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a music producer and create and mix your own music? During this course students will develop essential digital composition skills and music technology skills that are used by music producers who create and refine music using digital audio software. Students willl respond to a variety of contemporary music and begin to develop practical skills in digital audio spaces. Students will work individually to produce a portfolio of music that can be shared with whānau and friends. 


  • Explore a variety of music technology skills used to produce and mix digital music
  • Develop a wide range of composition skills and techniques, and effectively apply these in creative and innovative ways 
  • Produce a portfolio of music that is polished and able to be shared digitally.

Recommended Prior Learning

We welcome all music experiences. An keen interest in making your own music is recommended. Students will need access to a devices in order to complete the learning activities in this course. Students will need to bring headphones to class when working on individual projects.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Device strongly recommended for Music software use. Manuscript book, pencil and pen.


Career Pathways

Assessment Information

Students' portfolio progress will be assessed halfway through the semester. At the end of the semester, students' final music portfolio will be assessed.
