Money Smart - Looking After Your Cash and Living Within Your Income

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr D. Jones.

Can you afford not to learn about money? Make good life choices, be financially literate!

The big question: How do you plan a budget and live within your income? Keep out of financial trouble!

The main idea is to learn how to manage money and income wisely and improve your financial literacy. You will be investigating people’s spending habits and priorities, as well as different ways of receiving and paying for goods and services.  This course will enable you to prepare budgets and plan for saving. 

Earning an income is also a big theme here. What are the different types of income that can be earned? How do income tax and GST work and how they affect our cash?  You will become financially savvy after studying Money Smart. There will be lots of opportunities for you to work on your own ideas and projects, play Monopoly and watch Dragons Den. This is a 'hands on' financial literacy course.


Living within your income and saving are the main ideas here. Managing spending so it doesn't manage you. Be able to save some money and then be able to invest it to make it grow.

Career Pathways
