
Making Stuff, a year 10 product design course

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr L. Moore.

Making Stuff!

Course Description:

Making Stuff is a half-year Year 10 programme that builds on the foundational skills learnt in Year 9 product design. This can be taken without having studied product design in year 9. 

 The programme works on woodworking techniques, including joinery, the use of hand tools and simple woodworking machines. Students will design and make projects to enhance their workshop skills and creativity. The emphasis is on safety, sustainability and precision in using hand tools and simple machines. The development of skills will help to build a deeper appreciation for designing and making things in a workshop environment. 

Making Stuff Programme

Term 1: Woodworking Techniques

  • Week 1-2: Review of Year 9 Skills
    • Quick recap of basic woodworking techniques and safety
    • Assessment of individual skill levels
  • Week 3-4: Complex Joinery Techniques
    • Advanced joinery methods (e.g., dovetail, box joints)
    • Practical applications in projects
  • Week 5-6: Project 1: Advanced Wooden Box
    • Designing and planning the project
    • Constructing and finishing the box
  • Week 7-8: Woodworking Machines and Power Tools
    • In-depth training on machines (e.g., bandsaw)
    • Safety and operation procedures
  • Week 9-10: Project 2: Small Furniture Piece (e.g., stool or shelf)
    • Designing and planning the project
    • Constructing and finishing the piece

Term 2: Furniture Making and Creative Projects

  • Week 1-2: Design Principles and Planning
    • Basics of furniture design and ergonomics
    • Sketching and planning furniture projects
  • Week 3-4: Project 3: Small Furniture Item (e.g., chair, table)
    • Designing and planning the project
    • Constructing and finishing the item
  • Week 5-6: Woodworking Design Principles
    • Basics of design and aesthetics in woodworking
    • Sketching and planning projects
  • Week 7-8: Project 4: Creative Woodworking Item
    • Designing and planning the project
    • Constructing and finishing the item
  • Week 9-10: Finishing any remaining work and reviewing the semesters work. Looking at next years options available in Materials Technology. 


  • Projects: 70%

Class Participation: 30%

Recommended Prior Learning

A year 9 Product design course


Career Pathways
